People listen to music for different reasons and at different times. Why is music important to many people? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
Obviously, music belongs to everyone’s favourite things in the world. Some people like listening to it, others actually creating it.
Many artists express through the music their feelings, emotions and thoughts.
By listening to the music you can escape to different world or build your own one. There is many ways; I cannot even think of, music helps to satisfy the needs of humans. Hearing specific music can help people to remember meaningful times from the past. Sharing music with others and talking about “old times” with a supportive listener can reduce feelings of isolation.
It fills us from inside, helps us to heal, listen and understand. A lot of conversations start with the question, “What kind of music do you like?” It might give you an idea about a personality of person. I think, it is easier to talk about something you like then try to explain who you are.
We listen to the music all the time, whenever you are happy or sad, alone or with the group of friends, active or just relaxed. These soft tones of pleasure make life complete and unique.
The music Bang on a Can produces has made an invaluable contribution to the life of “serious” or “classical” music. But I am dismayed that you only find value in music that is completely “new” when you say “For sustenance I need unusual music. It doesn’t matter what style or category, but it has to jump out at me and say, you haven’t heard me before, so listen up.” Surely the history of Western concert music has been galvanized by innovation, whether it is Josquin, Monteverdi, Beethoven, Wagner, early Stravinsky, Messaien, and many others along the way. But if those new ideas had not been developed in ways that were truly musically compelling, that is, where innovative techniques were put to use to say something of artistic substance, they would have fallen by the wayside. Hearing musical sounds we haven’t heard before may catch our interest in an initial hearing. But the real test is whether it draws us back to hear the same music again and again, hearing something more each time in the same sounds. Some of the greatest composers in the canon were highly “original” without being “innovators” (ie, Lassus, Schutz, Bach, Mozart, Brahms, Berg, and Britten, just looking at the past) because of the way they used the techniques of the time in original ways. Now that all techniques of sound making are available to us, tonality, atonality, acoustic sound, extended vocal and instrumental techniques, sampled sound, synthesized sound, whatever sound you like, “new” isn’t all that novel any more. But creating music that has something compelling and memorable to say that makes us want to hear it again is, I think, harder than ever to create.
I get this question quite a whole lot, and no doubt this goes the same for you as well. This is an often asked question; because we are musical beings, it speaks to our soul; music can even bridge the divide of language, culture, and so much more.
When you know what a person listens to, you feel you get to know more of that individual. Best friends will usually like the same music, and often times, a person’s lifestyle can be indicative of the type of music he or she likes.
But, often, the answer that I give is quite vague, and can irritate an individual…
I simply answer with, “I like good music”. There, that’s it the simplest answer of all.
Of course, I have a favourite band. I like David Gates and Bread; I’m really old school sometimes.
But, I often listen to a variety of music like classical music, sonatas, operas, full orchestra, pop music, jazz, guitar solos, international music, rap, religious, anything and everything.
I just can’t see myself only listening to one genre, I feel as if you limit yourself, if you stick to one or a few genres of music, you cheat yourself from the beautiful works of our time and time gone by. How could you not love Eric Clapton, Frank Sinatra, or the new artist Akon, even Whitney Houston, and what about Beyonce, or Beethoven, Mozart, there is just too many to mention.
So, when I’m asked, what kind of music I like, I think responding with “I like good music” is a perfectly good answer.
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